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Fishes, fishes, oh my! Sooo many fish! · First part not so bad. Brute force it through the 80 days. Just keep making the array bigger with no checks! ...
Adding the 45deg angle was a small addition to Part 1. public void MarkLine(Point A, Point B) { if (A.X == B.X) ...
More 2D array fun · I forgot about my friend Tuple. I didn't want to create a class to bundle my two points together from the parsing of the input file...
Have a plan and use encapsulation · Lessons reinforced: Encapsulation makes modifications cleaner Writing out your logic (and referring to it while...
2D arrays in C# · I decided to make time to go through AdventOfCode 2021. I have reached day 4 part 1 and figured I would share how I approached the...
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but there are moments when I wonder if I know anything about programming. This usually happens when I am...